Yes, the title sounds like a Rabbinical exercise is splitting hair already split. Nevertheless, a great American, Dinesh D’Souza was charged with, arrested for and is awaiting sentencing for paying friends to contribute to a political campaign to avoid the individual limit on him.
Two Newspapers report the Democrat parents of Kevin Strouse sent political contributions to Democrat campaigns of other people in exchange for those campaigns sending money to their son’s campaign to avoid the individual limit. See the Courier editorial (HERE).
The behavior of the two Democrats seems worse because they went to other states to hide their illegal payments to their son’s campaign. Plus it’s a family thing, like father, like mother, like son, to avoid the law.
Apparently neither Mr. nor Mrs. Strouse, nor their son, the Democratic Congressional Candidate nor his campaign people deny the payments.
It’s really bad when the corruption begins before the campaign.
On the other side is “Eagle Scout and Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick” who has been in the public eye for decades right here in Bucks County and has never, ever done anything like this.
What’s wrong with these people?
Who could vote for Strouse with this having happened? Who would?
No one should.
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