Drudge reported that Fox News reported :”Americans are angrier these days.”
“A recent study from the USA Today found 60 percent of Americans report feeling angry or irritable. That is up from 50 percent when a similar poll was taken in 2011.” If you live in Northampton you might be angry at your time being wasted by the absurd performances at the Board of Supervisor’s meetings and at the Sewage Board meetings by four or five Little Lickspittle Republican victims of “ROTHERMEL DERANGEMENT SYNDROME”.
Neck vein’s bulge, foul language flies, and insider information reveals their phony agenda as they try but fail to put down the good people of Northampton. The Courier reported a threat made against a Council Rock School Director who had the courage to speak out against the venomous and anonymous Northampton Republican reporting websites that are so against women. The venomsite attacked Dr. Kim Rose during the campaign and then Supervisor Vince Deon was so appalled he demanded his resume be removed from the hateful website. It was done. Why did the website obey Deon?
The recent venomsite attacks against another woman who received the Distinguished Citizens Award from the Board of Supervisors proves the misogyny. A shout-out to the Chairman of the Northampton Republican Committee removed an offensive and false report from the website which proves the Insider Northampton Republicans control the venomsite.
The Northampton Community is angry and their anger has been fueled by a few confused little boot-kiss Republican toady’s who were removed from power by the voters or by Supervisor Rothermel. The deranged ones operate as a tiny team. Two of them revealed their true natures during their comments at the Board of Supervisors meeting on November 20th. One was confused. The other attempted to prove the impossible. The foul mouthed one let fly with yet another scatological epithet against Dr. Kim Rose that was repulsive but far milder than his quotidian speech. His foul language repertoire is the greatest I’ve ever heard. A foul little website with nasty minds in control. They are pathetically contumacious. Insufficiently important enough to get angry at, they are more to be pitied than scorned.
Intellectually they are children. If you get angry at them step back and observe. A lying child is angry because the adults don’t believe him. A congenital liar is worse than a pathological liar but both lie and no one believes him. They are angry because they don’t get the adoration they think they deserve. Keep watching. They are in a descending spiral and the bottom is coming fast.
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