We Don’t Need Any Stinken Football games..

The Protestors forgot to check what the fans wanted.

Nobody has to watch a football game. It’s a completely un-necessary luxury. No one knows how harmeful to the owners this has become but the losses will be in the billions and the idiots who started it don’t have the common sense to know that when they make the league look bad the fans will refuse to buy the tickets. 
The fans don’t lose. They just stay away and ignore the game.
How stupid are the owners whom we thought had their fingers on the pulse of America. Turns out they are about as dense as the boycott players.
If this wasn’t about race and black people it’s because you don’t know what’s going on. the black players are oprotesting oppression. Read that again. See the word “Black”? That’s race. Black is a race. This is about nothing but race and some crybaby cowards who are overpaid and underbrained.


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