It was probably one of the most confused days in the history of demonstrations. It couldn’t have been organized by Soros because mostly, it wasn’t organized at all. Bunch of people all chattering at the same time.

The main issue seems to be either Donald Trump or Abortion although Hitler was also an issue. The back story is the use of rather disgusting language which lowers the issues into the equivalent of a strip joint and the demonstrators moved even lower as some females carried signs that bordered on the wrong side of pornographic. Madonna is a case in point. A pig of a woman. A common type of female with whom most women have little in common.

In a private conversation Donald Trump said being a male celebrity provides sexual advantages to the male. He used locker-room speech because he believed the conversation was private where there’s an expectation of privacy not available when speaking in public. His good faith was violated. The private conversation was published in the public square. Some women were “outraged” because they believe Trump used disgusting words so in some sort of crazy logic they adopted the identical locker room language. They thereby relinquished their moral argument to something like: “X” is bad and I can prove it by doing it myself.

If some women are upset about Trumps language, why are they so exhilarated and using it themselves? They even knitted themselves pink hats and named them after the slang word for the female genitalia so the confusion runs rampant. Other women are concerned about losing the ability to have an abortion so they are joining the march but they confused two different issues thereby confusing the entire event. Confusion was the most visible order of the day.

Roe v.Wade has become the lightening rod that attracts the Extreme Right Conservatives who oppose abortion and the woman who believe abortion is a right. Roe v. Wade essentially agreed it is but the supreme court also took control of the Right away from the individual woman and handed it to the doctors for months 4 to 6 of a pregnancy, to the doctor and the government during the last three months. Roe v Wade didn’t support a Right To An Abortion which is part of the so-called Bundle of Rights that belong to each individual woman. Most protesters have never read the actual Roe v Wade Opinion. It’s available (Here). You should read it so you know what you are talking about. Most people don’t.

It’s referred to by the lawyers as 410 US 113 You can google it and find it that way too. It’s so easy to read Roe that there’s no reason to remain ignorant about the actual Supreme Court Opinion.

Reading the actual Supreme Court decision will show you why Roe will never be overturned regardless of how hard the objectors object. In fact, Roe didn’t go far enough because Judge Harry Blackmun, as good as he was didn’t really write about the source of Individual Rights and that’s too bad because it would have increased the reasons it’s good law.

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