How do we Preserve Route 32? The D & L Corporation has a plan. Turn it over to them. They say they will preserve it. What they will really do is paralyze it.
Here’s what happens when land is removed from the market. Consider Grand Canyon. You can look at it but it’s against the law to walk on or to touch most of it. It’s paralyzed. We cannot use it. Look but don’t touch. It’s paralyzed land. Paralyzed. One or two lanes of the Ben Franklin bridge are blocked by being in a permenant state of repair. One full lane is paralyzed. Same for the Tacony bridge. Look at the Buck Road bridge in Holland. It’s paralyzed. No improvements for 50 years. None planned. Buck Road was paraluzed ….. as a two lane highway since George Washington used it to travel to Washington Crossing. It’s permanently paralyzed as a two-lane road when it needs to be at least three and preferably four lanes. It’s paralyzed in it’s present 2 lane state. Government works hard to slow people down. Government paralyzes the roads. But paralyzed roads shorten our lives by forcing us to spend more time traveling on slower and slower roads. Stasis. Can a culture be paralyzed? Look around before you answer. Look at River Road. The D &L Corp wants it. Want’s to paralyze it.
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