Just kidding although it would be refreshing and fitting to read that’s where these Liberal Hillary/Bernie types, i.e., most of Hollywood, would end up. Springsteen helped destroy the American Left but he didn’t know it. He wrote a song for the Philadelphia rally for Hillary and said, not too wisely: “The republic is under siege by a moron,” Springsteen says in excerpts from upcoming Rolling Stone feature. “It’s a tragedy for our democracy” 

The tiny Springer singer was answering the question: What do you make of the Trump phenomenon?

Bono said:  

‘Donald Trump Is Potentially Worst the Idea That Ever Happened to America’

“Wise people of conscience should not let this man turn your country into a casino,”
the tiny U2 singer BONO told Charlie Rose.
Bono is a non-American SINGER. He sings. That’s it!! How easy is that? Everybody sings and many people don’t want to bother with it so they pay a singer to come sing for them. If we want to sing there’s Karaoke, CD’s and tapes. Who needs BONO? No one…

People sing in church. Everyone joins in. Everyone. Entire room full of people singing.
Each individual’s singing voice is entirely unique so professional singers don’t have any special quality because everyone can sing. It’s just talking in longer syllables.
How common is singing? There are about 5,400 species of animals that are known to sing. People like Springsteen and BONO do what 5,399 other animals species can do. That’s Springsteen and BONO who carry around their Karaoke microphones, amps and speakers. They can be hired. It’s what they do. Those are the kinds of people who call President Trump “A Moron”.

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