Eight years of President Obama. Donald Trump to be sworn in tomorrow at noon. More hate in America. Why?

In part because America is not the constitutionally run country and culture that was supposed to happen here. Fairness? Gone. Neighborliness; gone too. Pride in America? Hah.

There is a deep feeling in America that something is wrong. Something went wrong. In the latest Gallup poll, only 28 percent expressed satisfaction with the direction of the country. Is this the “Whitelash” identified by Van Jones after the election of one of the only three candidates, all of whom were white people?

“This was a whitelash against a changing country,” Jones said. “It was whitelash against a black president in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes.”

Perhaps. Perhaps not. The election of the first black man to president wasn’t as hate filled as the election of Donald Trump but the so-called Whitelash happened after white America elected a non-white male as president.

Agree or not with Van Jones, the increased hate against white people is a certain thing and it wasn’t caused by the election of Obama nor the election of Trump and it won’t get better with people like Van Jones stoking the flames of hate. Historians will look back at Obama’s tenure and likely come to this inescapable conclusion: his was one of the most partisan in America’s existence. Obama came to office with the chip of racism attached to him and he made it worse.

These lunatics scare the hell out of their children by telling them that Trump is going to murder them and their parents, and then they use their kids’ nightmares as “proof” Trump is dangerous. No, cretins, your kids aren’t scared because Trump is Hitler. Your kids are scared because you keep telling them they’re going to be killed. Your little ones aren’t responding to Trump; they’re responding to you. It’s amazing that these dumbasses can remain oblivious to their role in this farce.

People like the Obama’s, the van Jones, the Meryl Streeps see themselves as the victims of a personal wrong done to them by the great unwashed—the hicks, the hillbillies, the impoverished goyim.

Obama’s attacks on Donald trump, the GOP presidential nominee were unprecedented, something Paul Saunders labeled as “reckless and disturbing”. Obama, in short, leaves his successor with a more polarized nation.

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