Said Lisa Boothe: “I think he’s really gonna go out a coward. He’s gonna go out a coward on the world stage and a coward that has made the world less safe.”
Proof is is retreat in Syria after his Red Line was crossed and Assad gassed his people when they were protesting. Obama tried and failed to push around Israel who showed they were not afraid of Obama.
Obama gave in to Putin when Putin took The Crimea from Ukraine.
Obama was acting like a coward when he sent the IRS against the Tea Parties. He chickened out of Benghazi. He was sneaky when he tried to send guns into Mexico so he could prosecute gun dealers who were selling guns legally after all. He absolutely lied :If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” to get his Obamacare passed. He wasn’t man enough to tell the truth which is a mark of a coward.
Obama chickened out of Iraq.
Obama chickened out of closing Guantanamo.
He tried to sneak pallet loads of cash into Iran but he got caught.
And when he went out of America he trashed America in foreign places instead of speaking to us as a man. He’s been a coward, he’s still a coward he’ll stay a coward because that’s what he is.
Good for Lisa Booth for alerting us.
Obama chickened out of Iraq.
Obama chickened out of closing Guantanamo.
He tried to sneak pallet loads of cash into Iran but he got caught.
And when he went out of America he trashed America in foreign places instead of speaking to us as a man. He’s been a coward, he’s still a coward he’ll stay a coward because that’s what he is.
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