Hillary Clinton’s top aides would like the world to know they are morally superior to Donald Trump, his staff and the stupid Americans who voted agaisnt her.

The Left is in shock but they won’t learn the lesson of Trumps victory. Clinton ran against the single most unpopular candidate in the history of American presidential polling, and lost. The Liberals perfect candidate was beaten by someone they had ridiculed and detested. SNL, Jimmie Fallon, CNBC, Rachael Maddow, Megyn Kelly and the smug know-it-all left Liberals in Hollywood, Academia, the Media and Liberals all over America had worked vigorously against Trump for the last year and a half. They were all so wrong. All of their lying, their wrong judgments, their smugness
How could so many have gotten so much so wrong for so long?

Hillary only won 20 states. Trump won 30. That’s the landslide. Hillary got more votes in the wrong places. The professors were shocked. The opinion writers were stunned. The news reporters are still haven’t accepted Trumps victory or his presidency and all of them will remain in psychological denial for years. This is serious. Liberalism is dead but it’s riven America.

The Liberals don’t know their messages are what defeated their super Liberal candidate. They are trying to blame Trumps victory on racism. That’s the evidence of their smugness but neither he nor his voters are racists and we are weary of our enemies lying to each other about it. HuffPo actually wrote and actually believes: “Many working-class people, like many middle- and upper-class people, are bigoted, hostile to all kinds of people and lifestyles.” Who are the bigots? The Liberals need to look at their own ideas when they revert to bigotry to condemn their moral enemies. they can’t see their rotten ideas in a mirror but they live in a fantasy. There are consequences for intellectual mistakes and we are sick and tired of the onslaught by these children of Rousseau, Marx, Dewey who need to grow up and realize they can’t get away with a hyper-talented Kate McKinnon morbisdizing a great songwriter and singer, Leonard Cohan whose memory they disgraced when they turned his phenomenal poetry and music into a childish political protest. SNL has no shame. They also suffer from a kind of inverted and false intellectual grandiosity that leads them astray as they reveal their low intellects to those of us who know better that they are children playing on the interstate highway of life where consequences can be fatal. Their intellects failed them and they are now lying to themselves instead of repairing their wrong basic ideas.

Here’s an example from HuffPo. They wrote: “The town of Nelsonville, Ohio, went for Barack Obama by 40 points in both 2008 and 2012. It’s 94 percent white, and, as Dave Jamieson reported for The Huffington Post, Trump narrowly carried it in 2016. Is this because Nelsonvillers are all morally repugnant slime?” White people who voted 70% for Obama twice then 51% for Trump are considered “Morally repugnant Slime” by the Liberals. That’s part of the reason Liberalism is dead. We are watching the last nerve firings of the twitching corpse of Liberalism.

Hillary’s ridiculous “Stronger Together” was downright sill and insulting to people who didn’t want another serial law-breaker in power. Her husband with his repugnant ally-cat morality was enough.
The message to America’s Losing Liberals is simple.

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