Sunday 11/27’s  issue of Der Speigel had these 8 headlines about their/Germany’s issues with PEOTUS Trump.

1. Germany Prepares for Trade Conflict with Trump

2. But the election victory of Donald Trump in the US has also highlighted growing fractures between voters and political leaders in the country.

3. How Much Mussolini Is There in Donald Trump?

4. Trump Election Boosts European Populists

5. Donald Trump’s election in the US has made negotiations over Britain’s departure from the EU even more complicatedUS President

6. Barack Obama discusses the legacy he has built and his worries about the future of democracy, as well as Donald Trump, the man who will succeed him in office.

7. What Will Remain of Obama’s Legacy?
Barack Obama is eager to define his legacy before “turning over the keys” to Donald Trump.

8. Inequality, Market Chaos and Angry Voters
Resistance is growing in industrialized countries to the problems caused by globalization and free trade. Populists like Donald Trump have promised relief by erecting new barriers to unhindered trade.

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