Why go to the funeral of a murderer? No American Official should Attend Castro’s funeral. Castro was a tyrant. Tyrant’s are very evil people.
Newt Gingrich labeled Castro a “relentless dictator who imprisoned thousands (and) killed and tortured many Cubans” and went on to say, “the outpouring of praise for Fidel Castro is tragic … Build a list of those praising Castro and you will have a list of leftists who reject reality for an ideological fantasy.”
The fact that Cubans have medical care and public education is grossly insufficient to excuse or forgive those he murdered or had murdered. He ran a totalitarian dictatorship. He could provide of withhold whatever he wanted. He provided medical care and murdered opponents. the good doesn’t excuse the evil.
A person can be evil but not murder people. There are plenty of reasons to be good. There are a few people who don’t want to be good. Some fewer want to be evil. Castro was one of those. Don’t even acknowledge his existence. As Virgil Said: “No day will erase you from the memory of time>: It’s spelled out in two foot high letters inside the 9/11 memorial. Keep it in mind and remember the murderer Castro whose evil presence in the world lowered it’s humanity. Some evils must never be forgiven. Castro is one of those.
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