America and Europe are seen as too white. The solution is to get more and more people who are not white into white America to change as it were the color of America. Lori Lightfoot, the black mayor of Chicago has decreed she will not answer questions from white reporters.

Lightfoot said: “I ran to break up the status quo that was failing so many. That isn’t just in City Hall,” Lightfoot tweeted Wednesday morning. “It’s a shame that in 2021, the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American.”

“Diversity and inclusion is imperative across all institutions including media. In order to progress we must change,” she continued. “This is exactly why I’m being intentional about prioritizing media requests from POC reporters on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of my inauguration as mayor of this great city.”

Lightfoot called the racial make-up of the City Hall press corps “an imbalance that needs to change,” adding that Chicago’s local media “should reflect the multiple cultures that comprise it.”

That’s using race inappropriately. Most inappropriate. Most un-American. Wrong too…

No information was forthcoming from Lightfoot about how the racial make-up of Chicago cam to be. Of course Americans can move and live wherever they want to depending on their economic capabilities. Lightfoot is a completely unhinged, mad, crazy anti-white person who has gotten this race business completely wrong. A short, black, female with far too much power for so demented a mind because demented is the only description that fits such delusional thinking. Lightfoot needs to lift her head up and look around the world to see how things really work. Is there racism> Sure… Lightfoot is living, breathing proof of the use of race to judge and treat people wrongly.

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