WOW! A thoroughly American woman came down from outer space to show the world why America is great. Before that however here’s to Whitney Houston who sang the best ever Star Spangled Banner. Miss you girl. Oh. Sure. Jennifer Hudson, Jackie Evancho at President Trumps Inauguration too.

Lady Gaga was exposed as no women from President Trumps seven Middle East countries could be, our Lady Gaga showed the superiority of the entire Western world as a record crowd watched two thoroughly American teams play a football game. She certainly would be murdered in one of those seven countries if she appeared in public as she did at the Super Bowl.

American show business is in the propaganda business to disdain and diminish America especially in it’s founding principles which are held by Hollywood to be sexist and racist. That propaganda has been unraveling since Donald Trump was elected president. The highest propaganda arm of the American government, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association, NOAA was just caught using rigged and jiggered data to get millions from America in the name of “Climate Change”, two words that themselves were jiggered from Global Warming and Global Cooling because both were found to be false, HERE.

America’s Lady began singing “America the Beautiful” in an Islamic banned costume that further infuriated the culture enrichers who’ve been raping, beating, beheading and bombing those with whom they disagree and fomenting riots and revolution to further their cause. Lady Ga Ga put their lie to bed with her anti-Islamic costumes including one that looked like lace panties which sent a giant shock wave around the terrorist world including: ready? Donald Trumps seven banned nations. Good for the lady but trouble for the culture enrichers as President Trump joins with Vladimir Putin to eliminate them. .

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