Will Putin and Russia pay a price for not living up to it’s commitments under the chemical weapons agreements?

Will Putin be able to wipe the egg off his face for backing the wrong side of history by sticking with Assad instead of the Syrian people?

Trump’s response against Assad and Putin was a tactically brilliant gambit — a small Syrian air base, whose destruction would produce fairly little physical or diplomatic fallout that also gave Putin a punch in his nose to wake him up to reality.
America is back. Barack is gone. Putin’s corrupt bumfuzzle regime is in short pants. All with one tactically brilliant missile strike and now Trump will settle North Korea which neither Putin nor China have been able or willing to do.

If President Trump was moved to this action only because he saw heart-rending pictures of children, that’s fine. I would only ask that he look again at those images. Perhaps they would move him not simply to drop bombs, but to continue on and make certain Assad joins his father ASAP because Assad and his energizer bunny, the small set of EverReady batteries called Putin that have continued the George Bush defined “Axis of Evil” and continue to oppress people and need to be stopped.

Evil was confronted by President Trump and he showed how easy it will be to eliminate that evil.

President Putin better make sure he considers what he’s doing. Trump is not Obama. America is back in control.

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