2/11/2022… Oh, for Christs sake! This declining senior has the nuclear football!.

When asked by Lester Holt if he was told regarding Afghanistan that his administration was “prepared” to pull out at the right time, Biden responded [emphasis added]:

“No. What I was told, no one told me that, look, there was no good time to get out. But if we had not gotten out, they acknowledged that we would have had to put a hell of a lot more troops back in. It wasn’t just 2,000, 4,000, we would have to significantly increase the number of troops, and we’re back in this this war of attrition. And, and there was no way we were ever going to unite Ukraine, excuse me, Iraq, Afghanistan. No way that was going to happen. And so this is a much wiser thing to do.”

“This man has the nuclear football,” Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) responded.

From the Geller Report: “If, like Biden with Afghanistan, you choose to destroy a country for no reason except the fulfilment of your own ideological whimsy, you do owe it to the country to at least remember the name,” foreign policy researcher Kyle Orton said. “Again, far worse in full context. Biden is either a liar without remorse; a compulsive liar with no control over it; or someone in serious mental decline who can’t remember events six months ago. None really make a good case for his being President.”

Comment from Bill:

Afghanistan is one of the homes of The Taliban and others who have attacked America including those who caused 9/11/2001, eleven years ago. America has a perfect right to use military force to find and to destroy enemies of America who are in Afghanistan and other places around the globe. Biden was massively wrong to leave Afghanistan and the latest reports show he left thousands of Americans behind when he pulled out the military. It’s long past the time for Biden to leave office. Long past.


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