The Weinstein/Moore administration is following the Rothermel Doctrine and advertising more of the professional service jobs, a doctrine Supervisor Rothermel advocated for six years.

Did the new administration use the township website to follow thru on their idea to advertise all Professional Services Contracts? Supervisor Frank Rothermel has been asking for that to be done for the past five plus years. The Northampton township website advertised for five Requests For Proposals for: a township videographer, a township engineer, a township attorney, a township  planner and a township traffic engineer.   

There’s a problem here. Supervisor Komelasky has never authorized payment to the present township videographer. Never. The township videographer was replaced when the three Democrat Supervisors took control of the township in 2010.  A different video company took over in January 2010. It looks like scorched earth politics that the present videographer is being replaced and the position is being advertised almost two months before the Democrats are out of power. So who really instructed township Manager Pellegrino to advertise for  replacements?

Mutatis Mutandi for the township attorney and the township engineer. Looks like nuanced behavior will not be an attribute of the incoming majority.

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