Posted his Solar Quote Poster complete with red kid circles on the Republican Venom-site. You may have seen his factually false testimony at the Board of Supervisors meeting where he caused Supervisor Silver to go into her Screech and Shout routine that ended the civility, embarrassed herself once again and adjourned the meeting.
It’s the $111,000 quote for a 31 kw Solar System comparable to the $193,050 31 kw Chinese made Solar Panel installation at the Sewage Authority that he claimed was for a 10 kw system. It wasn’t. Check the last kid circle on the quote. The quote clearly verifies the $193,000 quote is 74% too high.
Wait, said the purveyor of the 74% higher Chinese system, my system included Investors. What were the investors doing that any bank could do? Financing a lease deal.
So Northampton’s professional lugnut either gave his quote to the Venom-site or it’s him who’s been trying until now to remain anonymous. Either way, this loser who lost his Sewage Job is known to the Venom Site – or it’s him. A real intellectual thumbnut. LOL.
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