Bass announced at the Sept Supervisors meeting he was moving to Florida causing wild applause. He made a cameo appearance at the Oct meeting and was last seen skulking away after Supervisor Dr. Kim Rose put him in short pants when he tried to throw some slime at Supervisor Jim Cunningham. The good doctor would nave none of it. Another doctor, Freidman, tried once again to speak nonsense against the current Supervisors, probably remembering when he was one of George Komelasky’s men and their trash talk was listened to. Freidman had approved a large, permanent stadium lighting set-up on Vandeveer Drive but dug in against temporary lights hundreds of yards from his own house. Who believes he’s objective? Not me.
Ex-Republican Committee Chairman Steve McGill who had to break the Republican rules to continue as a Republican committeeman tried to claim Supervisor Frank Rothermel didn’t keep taxes low or lower the township debt. Mr. Rothermel not only proved he lowered the township debt for five years in a row, he also proved he didn’t borrow any money or raise taxes. All that are things the Republicans never claimed. They always borrowed money and each year spent more than they received. Just the opposite of the fiscally competent Rothermel administrations.
The low point of the Oct meeting was ex-sewage boarder Don George trying desperately to connect an informal price check on solar panels with the strange solar deal at the Water and Sewer property. He prepared some confusing exhibit and made some allegations but clearly no one was buying it. Later George tried, also unsuccessfully, to make his favorite type of innuendo based on the bats in the back of his head. No one was interested so happily the meeting was adjourned.
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