October 23, 2013
To the Bucks County Commissioners
Robert G. Loughery, Chairman
Charles H. Martin, Vice-Chairman
Diane M. Ellis-Marseglia, LCSW
Bucks County Courthouse, Community Room
55 E. Court St., 1st Floor
Doylestown, PA
Ref: the Parson’s Barn,
Good Day:
The people of Northampton Township as well as the Board of Supervisors have been discussing the decision to tear down the Parson’s barn. We are against it.
The Courier Times wrote an editorial titled Back Off! which supported idea that the Parson’s barn should not be torn down.
At the October 23 Northampton Board of Supervisors meeting the sense of the bi-partisan board and those in attendance who were unanimous in their support that the Parsons barn be permitted by your goodselves to remain intact where it is.
This is a PETITION to you to allow the Parsons Barn to remain where it is on the property. The reason for this PETITION is your notice to Northampton Township and/or the Parsons to tear down their barn.
There are many issues about the barn that have been litigated at the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas and the Commonwealth Court. The decision of the Commonwealth Court overruled the decision of the Court of Common Pleas. Contrary to that decision, the people above would like the barn to remain where it is. We respectfully request that you advise Northampton Township Manager Robert Pelligrino you no longer desire to oppose the location of the Parson’s barn.
Bill O’Neill
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