The deed is clear. No lights in the Municipal Park but about 10 years ago the Insider Republicans, the IR’s, violated the deed and erected about 50 lights. They also put lights in the Pavilion. But they rejected temporary lights on a soccer field because ex-supervisor Friedman who lives along the park, who thinks it’s his park even though he voted for lights on other soccer fields around the township. Ex-supervisor Friedman voted against the kids and demanded the temporary lights be stopped. 

The IR’s story changed from blaming other people to denying they violated the deed. “It’s for safety” said Jerry Bass, one of the Insider Republicans said, unwittingly admitting the Insider Republicans put up the lights which violated the deed.

The level of lying by the Insider Republicans has become much worse as they scramble to win a Supervisor seat. They lied about the Chinese Solar project. They lied about the lights. They lied about the contaminated water in the Industrial Park. They lie about many things and each lie gets easier. 

They are grumpy angry, hateful and fearful people who lack decency. That shows at every meeting where they violate good manners, common sense and the law. Joe Scott called Supervisor Cunningham “retarded”. Supervisor Silver is busy disputing charges her blue language ruined a Christmas Party at Johnny Apples. Another time she referred to the citizens in the West End as “Cockroaches”.  Don George is afraid to take credit for his goofy ideas so he writes anonymously. Jerry Bass, …. well he’s been wrong so often he doesn’t believe himself anymore, and the Insider Republicans applaud for each other.

Supervisors Rothermel and Cunningham prove themselves at every instance. Forced to endure intellectual torture for four years when Komelasky, Deon, Freidman and Silver ran the Supervisor meetings and the Sewer board meeting behind the scenes, Frank Rothermel and Jim Cunningham finally got their chance to be heard in 2012 when Dr. Kim Rose was elected and the Insider Republicans lost their power and increased their belligerence. It was like fresh air was let into the sable.

The Municipal Park deed was violated. Either lights must come down or the deed must be modified. Michael Savona, the brilliant township attorney who works for one of the law firms that contributes heavily to the Republicans, knows how to modify the deed.  That’s going to be done to restore the integrity that was lost under the Insider Republicans.

Brilliant Attorney Savona was appointed by Supervisor Rothermel. One of the first things Michael took on was the Cell Tower Debacle caused by the bad management of Insider Republican supervisors Komelasky, Deon, Silver and their lawyer.  Savona not only reversed the Cell Tower issue, he created some unique ordinances to prevent similar debacles, an ordinance that is a model for townships all across America.  Frank Rothermel and Jim Cunningham should be re-elected. That helps everyone in the township.


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