Welfare changed the morality of Western Civilization. Welfare certainly destroyed the need for a man to stick around to raise his children. It’s much more profitable for a mother to get welfare if she’s not married. It’s also foolish for a man to work when he can get welfare to pay for his children and also pay him for not working.
Observers seem to believe education can overcome poverty. That’s false when there are few jobs. Learning personal income strategies is useless when the jobs are gone. Another popular but false observation is unmarried pregnant woman need welfare. What unmarried pregnant women need is for the father to take care of the mother and the child. But that’s a traditional value. Welfare specifically eliminated the need for a woman to live with the father of the children. To repeat, it’s much more profitable for a mother to get welfare if she’s not married. It’s foolish for a man to work when he can get welfare to pay him for not working, to also pay the mother of his children more if he is not around and to pay him to stay unemployed and away from the mother and the kids. How perverse is welfare when it does all this and more?
Welfare ruined the social fabric that held together America. Welfare programs and payments encouraged and increased out-of-wedlock births, weakened the work ethic and increased crime and incarceration. It’s possible to find ten generations of a family that have few attributes of a traditional family including respect for the law.
Welfare is a moral failure. That means its driven morality in many new and wrong directions.
Welfare and Government cause poverty, dumb down the culture and ruin the morals of a nation. That’s what happened in America. Whether increases in the overbearing cost of government regulation drove manufacturing and the creation of wealth out of America or government welfare increased the cost to employ people and so drive manufacturing out of America, the effects are undeniable. Jobs gone. Fathers gone. Education almost useless and yet government is increasing welfare and increasing regulations. What will happen? That’s easy. More out of wedlock births, more single mothers, more absent fathers, and weakened work ethic.
What will return America to greatness? The dual destruction of welfare and regulations. Government should stay in the narrow fields of building roads, providing police and the military and getting out of the way. Anything more contributes to the destruction of the culture.
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