Eileen Silver seemed to trying to rise out of her chair when she accused Chairwomen Dr. Kim Rose of trying to negotiate a lower price with a vendor. Self-levitation by political motivation of both Silver and Komelasky was evident as they tried to defeat the attempts of Rose, Rothermel and Cunningham to save the people money by hiring attorney’s for half what the previous administration accepted.
Defying even Roberts Rules of Order by yelling at other board members, missing the point and trying create a Ringling Brothers atmosphere, Komelasky called for an investigation which will surely rebound on him because of his past actions peddling insurance among government, over-talking other supervisors and denying the right of the population to speak at township meetings, himself and Silver exempted. This is how plunder of the public purse was done until 2012 when the Komelasky board was defeated in the voting booth’s of Northampton.
Dignity eluded Silver and Komelasky even causing Komelasky to rise up and leave the meeting. Returning rejuvenated, he continued his refusals to follow the Rules of Order. He rules, we suffer.
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