With gratitude it’s noted that Obama is a “Former President”. His was a bigoted Presidency. How can that be?
Consider that president Obama never missed a chance to play up white racism while ignoring black bigotry. Obama criticized Christians for being intolerance. Well, it often takes one to know one.
For example; when Muslim terrorists slit the throats of Christians, Obama warned American Christians about “getting on a high horse.” Obama told Americans to use the throat-slitting as the time to ponder the evils of the Christian Crusades and the white Christian stigma of slavery.
Obama deceptively and purposely left out were the Muslim conquests of formerly Christian regions that led to the Crusades and the widespread practice among Muslims of taking Africans as slaves. Equally missing from Obama’s blather was any mention of the fact that unlike Christians and Jews, Muslim zealots are now carrying out terrorist acts worldwide.
Jefferson had to fight the Muslim pirates from the North Coast of Africa. He formed the United States Marines to fight the Muslim Pirates on “The Shores of Tripoli”. Obama refused to ever mention that durng his eight year presidency, a period that will be erased . . . . well, one can hope.
Trump is taking on the Educators, mediacrats, and the “Hollywood community” who are almost solidly committed to discrediting him, by falsely attacking him as a racist, homophobe, misogynist and anti-Semite. It makes no difference that these charges, which are repeated daily through thousands of fake news sources, had to be invented. If people hear these “Alternate Facts” often enough, they may start to believe them. Pity.

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