As President Barack Obama had the responsibility of uniting the country but as proven by the Woman’s march he failed and made things worse for women not only in America but in the World. America is more fractionalized than before he was elected. He told us his policies were on the table at the last election so his policies and him failed but some of his followers don’t or can’t get it so they staged marches which like Obama himself also failed.
According to “The Center For American Progress”, a far left website, Trump’s immigration actions will cost taxpayers at least $117 billion over the next decade:
– $9 billion: Mandating detention of illegals at the border
– 25 billion: Building a giant concrete wall to control illegal immigrants
– $0: Amount Mexico will contribute to the wall
– $7.5 billion: Maintenance of giant concrete wall
– $6.6 billion: Tripling the number of ICE deportation officers
– $60.4 billion: Non-apprehension costs for “aggressive interior enforcement” including, $13.4 billion: Legal processing; $11.3 billion: Transportation; $35.7 billion: Detention 8.6 billion: Increase CBP by 5,000.
Trump’s immigration action they claim without explanation, could also reduce GDP by $5 trillion over 10 years.
Trumps immigration actions will decrease crime. The FBI says there were 16 thousand murders, 90,000 rapes, 327 thousand robberies in 2015 and that property crimes resulted in losses estimated at $14.3 billion. , crimes against women, children and senior citizens. Illegal immigrants cause wages to decrease or at best prevent wage increases. A border wall will halt illegal drugs thus avoiding many death’s from overdoses crime. Illegal immigration breaks the law. America, like other nations spends massive amounts to catch, prosecute and imprison. the cost to police increases with both legl and illegal immigration
– $9 billion: Mandating detention of illegals at the border
– 25 billion: Building a giant concrete wall to control illegal immigrants
– $0: Amount Mexico will contribute to the wall
– $7.5 billion: Maintenance of giant concrete wall
– $6.6 billion: Tripling the number of ICE deportation officers
– $60.4 billion: Non-apprehension costs for “aggressive interior enforcement” including, $13.4 billion: Legal processing; $11.3 billion: Transportation; $35.7 billion: Detention 8.6 billion: Increase CBP by 5,000.
Trump’s immigration action they claim without explanation, could also reduce GDP by $5 trillion over 10 years.
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