President Trump will probably join President Putin to fight and destroy ISIS. That has to be done and it’s too bad that it must be done because after enough time has passed the places will still be there minus what was destroyed. War will have been futile.
The futility of war is visible in Japan where a great war was fought and in Europe where the same war was fought. Millions suffered and millions died for what? Why?
History is littered with examples of the futility of war. With considerable sadness the places in Europe where large nations sent the articles of war are seen today as peaceful, wonderful, almost wondrous places. What did the wars that went through those places killing people accomplish? Nothing of value.
The old buildings that were destroyed have been rebuilt so it appears nothing changed even though the buildings disappeared only to re-appear because they were so well done and so loved by the people who used them.
Pearl Harbor, Munich, the Sudetenland, Normandy, Hiroshima. Still there minus millions of people who should not have been killed but who were killed. One should ask why? If killing millions who can never be replaced and destroying so many places which were then built again doesn’t cause you to think about why, you must be almost dead to be so incurious.
Unfortunately war is still necessary despite the massive evolutionary changes in people from time out of mind. Perhaps Trump and Putin and some other leaders will be able to quickly defeat ISIS which will bring a sort of temporary peace to the Middle East which seems to persist on war but it’s unfortunate that war itself cannot be ended. So fight we must because our cause it is just is a verse repeated by all sides in a war but that doesn’t answer why can’t the leaders figure this out and not start it? Why not figure out how it will end before it starts and just do that?
War has been started in the Middle East and many other places but it would be far better if it never had to be fought because it never started.
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