There are plenty of free options to the annual toll increase on the PA Turnpike and hopefully this is Governor WOlf’s last term. He’s been worse than we thought. Raising the tolls on the famous PA Turnpike takes more from the people and then he lies about what he just did. The 2017 TOLL INCREASE ALONE is almost $60 Billion

Tax for driving on the historic road is $51.85 which is almost 15 cents per mile or about $10 AN HOUR IN TOLLS for a passenger car to use the already paid for road.

The highest toll for a class 9 truck is $2,015.50. That totaled $781 million in 2012. Raises of 6% per year in 2013, 14 15,16 and 17 bring the $781 million to $1 Billion for 2017, a 34% increase since 2012.

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