He persuaded Dr. Ben Carson to be the next Secretary of Health and Urban Development and he met with an archenemy Al Gore. He’s draining the swamp but first he’s getting intelligence about his opponents from them.
As part of renewing his vows with his voters, Donald Trump promised no more migrants from Dar al Islam.
“We will restore the sovereignty of the united states, finally end illegal immigration, construct a great wall at the border, dismantle the criminal cartels, liberate our communities from the epidemic of gang violence and drugs pouring into our nation. We will ask Congress to reform our immigration programs to protect jobs and wages for American workers. The Forgotten Men and Women of Our Nation. to keep our nation safe and secure from terrorism we sill suspend immigration from regions where it cannot be safely processed. People are pouring into our country. I don’t have to say who’s lettering them in any more. We don’t need San Bernardino. We don’t need another Orlando. We don’t need another World Trade Center. We don’t need Paris or Nice. Look at Germany. We have enough problems. Your state has just experienced a violent another atrocity at the great Ohio State University. That further demonstrates the security threats stupidly created by our very very stupid politicians: refugee programs. The job of the president is to keep America safe and that will always be my highest priority.”
“We will do everything in our power to keep the scourge of terrorism out of our country. People are pouring in from regions of the middle East. we have no idea who they are, where they come from, what they’re thinking. We’re going to stop that dead cold flat.”
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