The press is free to write whatever they want but it is presumed they don’t lie. Presumed that is until this election. They lied like a rug. We now know the press is not to be trusted. The NYT admitted they lied.
Even worse, they continue to lie everyday.
The idea that people will swallow a lie if it’s repeated over and over is the basis for propaganda. The American press is at the end of a long chain of the abuse of freedom. They bias the news.

It’s going to go on for the next four years. The press can’t help itself anymore than a falling rock.

The education establishment has been lying to people since the days of John Dewey. That’s about 100 years ago. The press absorbed the lies of their teachers and everything was covered up until Trump came along with the ability to show us how the press had been deceiving us to our detriment. BOOM. the lid was blown off!.

Trump never said Mexicans were rapists. That didn’t matter to the lying press. They simply said he did. they kept it up. Some may have been so dumb they didn’t know he never said it. Doesn’t matter. They kept it up even when Trump denied it. They just went right on lying about him. That’s not why the press is allowed to print lies but they are too dumb to get what they did and what they continue to do.
Good for enough people that they listened to what Trump said; read what the press reported he said and noted the difference. Unfortunate for them, the liars didn’t win this one. That turned out to be good for the rest of us. Trump won.

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