The AP is having kittens because Trump is not bothering with them. All of the politicians adore the pres and kow-tow to the press’s rules but not Trump. Trump knows the press needs him. He can get his message out by Tweets. He knows more about mass communication than the press and he’ll use it to his and America’s advantage.

He knows the press was against him and supporting Hillary so this is payback. .
Trump railed against the press as “disgusting” and “dishonest.” He refused to allow a pool of campaign reporters and photographers fly on his plane to events, sometimes starting his rallies before his press corps arrived that showed the press he didn’t care about their rules, that he was following Trumps Rules.

“the Wall Street Journal points out that the Obama administration was seemingly “working as an extension of the Clinton campaign” with both the State Department and DOJ providing frequent updates to Hillary staffers about a confidential criminal investigation into her misconduct.

The Obama administration—the federal government, supported by tax dollars—was working as an extension of the Clinton campaign. The State Department coordinated with her staff in responding to the email scandal, and the Justice Department kept her team informed about developments in the court case.

Worse, Mrs. Clinton’s State Department, as documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show, took special care of donors to the Clinton Foundation. In a series of 2010 emails, a senior aide to Mrs. Clinton asked a foundation official to let her know which groups offering assistance with the Haitian earthquake relief were “FOB” (Friends of Bill) or “WJC VIPs” (William Jefferson Clinton VIPs). Those who made the cut appear to have been teed up for contracts. Those who weren’t? Routed to a standard government website.

The leaks show that the foundation was indeed the nexus of influence and money. The head of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Ira Magaziner, suggested in a 2011 email that Bill Clinton call Sheikh Mohammed of Saudi Arabia to thank him for offering the use of a plane. In response, a top Clinton Foundation official wrote: “Unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check, this sounds crazy to do.”
also takes direct aim at the press and admits that the “leaks also show that the press is in Mrs. Clinton’s pocket.” While the WikiLeaks emails reveal substantial coordination between Clinton and the press perhaps none are more disturbing than when Donna Brazile, now DNC chair, sent the exact wording of a CNN town hall question to Hillary ahead of a scheduled debate.

The leaks also show that the press is in Mrs. Clinton’s pocket. Donna Brazile, a former Clinton staffer and a TV pundit, sent the exact wording of a coming CNN town hall question to the campaign in advance of the event. Other media allowed the Clinton camp to veto which quotes they used from interviews, worked to maximize her press events and offered campaign advice.

Mrs. Clinton has been exposed to have no core, to be someone who constantly changes her position to maximize political gain. Leaked speeches prove that she has two positions (public and private) on banks; two positions on the wealthy; two positions on borders; two positions on energy. Her team had endless discussions about what positions she should adopt to appease “the Red Army”—i.e. “the base of the Democratic Party.”
Finally, Strassle concludes by saying that “Voters might not know any of this, because while both presidential candidates have plenty to answer for, the press has focused solely on taking out Mr. Trump. And the press is doing a diligent job of it.”

Trump will put the press in their place. Good. Better than good. Great. Great for the American people. It’s about time America had a leader as President. .

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