Here’s what I wrote for the Courier times several months ago. It was supposed to be in the newspaper but they didn’t print a voters guide. They put it online but so few people could wade through one of the worst websites around that it’s being printed below so you can read what should have been in the paper.

“With all modesty, I’m the best, most qualified candidate. Fresh new ideas and a proven problem solver and manager. 39 year resident. Frequent attendee at township meetings with solid proposals to solve problems and move Northampton into the future while protecting the taxpayers. Northampton has a solid core of professional managers and employees who need my programs to update the township infrastructure. Northampton supervisors are in a rut. Some should have retired long ago. I bring a new broom to sweep out the stale and tired ideas. An overdue clean sweep. Pine Run Stream was recently updated due to my efforts. The Water and Sewer Authority was recently re-organized however the stale ideas are still around. Water runs downhill but the authority has been dammed shut; Nothing new for decades. Improving the looks of Richboro is a big priority that has been badly neglected. I’m the Best Candidate for Northampton Supervisor and with all humility I am asking for your vote. Thank You.”

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