Deon increased the license and permit fees. Fees are the charges residents are forced to pay to get, for example a permit for a plumber to work on their property. Deon agreed with and supported increasing the Tapping Fees for the citizens of the West End. Under his control the residents of the West End were charged a $10,000 tapping fee, four times what others were charged to hook up to the Northampton public sewer system. It was political revenge by Deon on the West End residents. He didn’t care about them nor will he care about you if he wants to use government to assuage his mean ideas.
Don’t believe Deon had nothing to do with the Water and Sewer authority. He cast the deciding votes to appoint them. They are controlled by his vote. He cast the deciding vote against me for an appointment to the Water and Sewer board last December. He cast the deciding votes to appoint three political cronies to the Water and Sewer board.
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