A new, hostile website has appeared in the name of Northampton Township but it’s not associated with our township. It’s a rogue website dedicated to attacking five people and praising Supervisor Deon.
The method to attack people is to lie about them. For example it says I want a job with the township. I never said that. Never even thought about it. I did offer to manage for half the salary, the Water and Sewer Authority and the township knowing the politicians in charge would not consider me as a manager of anything they controlled. Same for my applications to serve on various Boards and Commissions. All were rejected out of hand by Deon. So there was never any attempto by me to actually work for the township so the website is lying about that.
Page two titled “Party Agenda’s and Experience” begins calling Doctor Rose “The Puppet” That’s a full lie. Dr Rose denied sheis anyone’s puppet at the Supervisor’s meeting Oct. 26, 2011. So the webpage is lying.
The hate-site continues: “She hasn’t said anything new”.
as amanagerto promote perennial candidate Deon who is again running for the same job he has had for the last five years. The new website has photo’s of Deon and long lists of organizations he has joined to make him a better candidate. None have helped make him a good supervisor. Perhaps it’s genetic. Some people are just not supervisor material. For example, a good politician quickly learns how to discuss, argue and debate the points of his political agands. Vince was challenged to debate me. He refused. Dr. Kimberly Rose challenged him several times. He refused.
The website is dedicated mostly to attacking private, non-official, non-government citizens who have appeared before various boards with problems but who have been ignored or even punished for trying to get government to do the right things.
This website shows the false claims in red from the Deon campaign website. Comments from me and from other private citizens abut the false info on the attack website are shown in green.
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