Jerry Bass wrote an e-mail to the Northampton Republican Committee wherein he describes himself as a Bull in the China shop and a Kamikaze. My description is more like Pinocchio or Bozo. The E-Mail represents a massive breach of etiquette. A copy was given to each supervisor at the May 25th Supervisor meeting by Gretel Bleish, known to township residents from her service on the Water and Sewer Authority, as a Republican committeewoman, as Chairwoman of the Northampton Republican Committee and as a member of the Bucks County Republican Executive committee. She was not associated with the Republican Committee at the time of the e-mail. Good thing because the Republican party of Northampton has lowered itself considerably as a result of the actions it has taken since the departure of Gretel Bleish.

Jerry, thankfully, has been a lone voice at supervisor meetings where his single purpose has been to attack supervisor Frank Rothermel. He is an assistent committee member so he violates the inside rule to not appear at the supervisor meetings.  Thankfully Jerry’s conduct may not be supported by other Republicans, to their credit, but before bows are taken note that Jerry constantly violates the so-called meeting rules of both George and Vince to not verbally attack people. It’s a rule only enforced if anyone attacks a Republican Board member and for that it to should be condemned by every Republican official and every fair minded citizen. By their silence we can judge them.

Jerry has repeatedly, wrongly and unfairly attacked Frank Rothermel and not only are his attacks neither criticized not objected to by the 3 Republican board members, a response by Supervisor Rothermel is gavelled down by George or Vince. When Supervisor Rothermel attempts to respond despite the gavel being banged, Deon calls a recess and George does what Deon says to do. this is really bad form. Everyone who watches the BOS meetings knows what Deon, Komo and Silver are doing and reasonable people are disgusted by such conduct.

Republicans need to publicly disassociate themselves from the outrageous psychopathologic behavior of Bass but that’s not all. The public conduct of Deon, Silver and Komelasky brings the entire Republican effort into dis-repute. I’m registered Republican, as are  about 13,500 others in Northampton but I refuse to be part of the officially sanctioned bad behavior of this small-minded clique. They all must resign or be removed from public office. At the very least Jerry should wear a red ball on his nose.

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