All of the big shots from the various Tea Party Organizations in Southeast PA gathered to listen to talk radio host Dom Giordano give political summaries of the major issues in Washington and Harrisburg.
He is great on the radio, even better in person. He is obviously comfortable around people and he felt more comfortable talking directly to Tea Party types. He’s a fast thinker and a very direct talker. He does 1210 radio proud.
The Tea Parties have popped up all over America. This marked five years of working for better government.
There’s a Tea Party for Lower Bucks, another for Northeast Philly, one in Doylestown, called The Kitchen Table Patriots, another in Montgomery County and so on. The room was full. Giordano was among friends. The atmosphere was didactic;
Giordano is a trained, experienced teacher who traded one career for another and the Delaware Valley is better for having Dom around.
Why? Giordano knows all the political players. He’s on a first name basis with major politicians and his philosophy is to talk especially to people who disagree with him. It’s a great way to get at least two sides of an issue.
Dom is a warm, big hearted guy who is larger in life than he seems on his advertising literature. He put the entire room at ease with his stories about people as well as his political insights. Speaking without notes, he didn’t shy away from issues like racism, (resistance is futile), the Federal mandated Common Core Agenda, (it’s against many American values), John Boehner, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, (high praise), Eric Holder, (seems like one of the most bitter people in government) and the future of the Republican party.
The future is bright. Republicans should win the majority in the Senate and keep their majority in the House. People should run for Local offices.
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