At his weekly press briefing today, Speaker Boehner unloaded on the White House for refusing to tell the American people the truth about the IRS, Benghazi, and Fast and Furious:
“The frustration is, is that the American people have not been told the truth about what happened at the IRS.
“The American people have not been told the truth about what happened in Fast and Furious.
“The administration has not told the American people the truth about Benghazi.
“We’ve been going through all of these hearings, having to hold people in contempt, because they’ve made it impossible to get to the documents.
“They have not been forthcoming. They owe the American people the truth.
“And when it comes to Benghazi, we’ve got four Americans who are dead, and their families deserve the truth about what happened. And the administration refuses to tell them the truth.”
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