Without increasing any tax or creating any new taxes, I want to eliminate the Northampton Real Estate Tax by selling some of the un-necessary properties and cutting the spending, especially spending to increase the funds the township keeps off the books by putting them into “funds”. Please look at Vince Deon’s video  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgPbZuK0kqk  where he shows why he will be defeated by the Democrat Candidate in November. He claims he is “your Township Supervisor” ignoring the other four supervisors. He claims he started Single Stream Recycling. He didn’t. Waste Management did. He claims “it will save money”. Who believes that? Sending trash to be sorted costs money and the township will pay more for the sorting which is done 25% by people. He claims he is the only candidate who responded to the League of Woman Voters. That’s the group responsible for the Supervisor Candidate Debate  which they and the township refused to allow on the Public Access Website. Newtown and other towhships promoted such debates. Why encourage bad behavior? My qualifications are broader and deeper than Deon and he’s the wrong candidate to run against Dr. Kimberly Rose in the fall. I’m more politically prepared and capable than Deon. I can win in November. Deon cannot.

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