The power Troika, George, Vince and Eileen seem to feed negative energy to each other when opponents try to speak against some of the wrongs in Northampton Township and there are more than ever. Eileen campaigned on the basis that she could be a calming influence. That didn’t last long. The Supervisor meeting on April 27 evoked her true inner self. She attacked both Supervisor Frank Rothermel and Supervisor Jim Cunningham when they tried to voice their concerns about the politics of appointing three of Komolasky’s sycophants to the Water and Sewer Authority.
The most appalling speech was by the husband of Register of Wills Sheila Bass. Years ago, Sheila had resigned from the Water and Sewer board but Komolasky refused to accept her resignation. She recently told the three supervisors she withdrew her name from consideration. If Komolasky, Deon or Silver had told that to Supervisors Rothermel or Cunningham they would not have had to bring up their idea that she should resign. Komolasky, Deon and Solver sat on the information and let Rothermel review why he thought Bass should resign.
The vindictive personal attack by Bass against Supervisor Rothermel broke the “No Personal Attacks will be permitted” rule. Komolasky allowed Bass to rage on against Rothermel. Bass even attacked Rothermel on the basis of Rothermel’s Christianity/Catholicism. It was the most disgusting speech ever given in Northampton.
Then Deon called a recess to prevent Rothermel from responding to Bass’s invectives. Komolasky couldn’t control Deon. After the recess Eileen attacked and condemned Rothermel and Cunningham. It’s as if the Darker Angels took control of Bass, Komolasky, Deon and Silver and they became a Board of Inquisition. What an abomination.
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