The name of the country this American Genius loves is unknown. Perhaps he hates every country but for sure he hates America because he said he: “Will never celebrate the Fourth of July. Know your history!! and stay woke.” WOKE? This high intellectual has no idea about the world outside America. If he did he’s crawl on his knees in gratitude for living in America.
Where would Walker go to have a good life? Having been around the world many, many times I’d often want to sink to my knees in gratitude after returning from some of the most miserable countries on earth. America is truly great. President Trump doesn’t have to do anything to make america great again. It’s the greatest and most exceptional place in the universe because of our personal freedoms which do not exist in any other place.
Wiki reported on Walkers unique visions and his supposed genius. He believes the world is an illusion. The Miami Herald reported: “Move over, flat earth believers. Lonnie Walker has a new conspiracy theory for you”. It is obvious but for clarity, Lonnie is only 19 and did not graduate from college. He did not finish college. Being only 19 should his current mumblings be takes for more than they are worth? He’s worth millions and millions but it’s basketball for the rest of his life. Of course. No surprise. It’s among the simpler games to grasp. Basketball is easy. Checkers is a more complicated game.
Maybe Lonnie will get to travel outside America and come to grasp the infinite goodness and fineness of America where a person like Lonnie can be paid millions even though he’s turned off potential ticket buyers with his inability to grasp the truth about the country in which he lives. .

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